Law and Information Society in Europe
Nikolaus Forgó | July 28 – August 8 | 4 ECTS credits |
This course will focus on European and global trends in the legal regulation of information and communication. Specific attention will be attributed to privacy, data protection, platform regulation, AI-regulation and information security in a globalized information society. We will work in particular on the relevant European regula tions, directives and case law and will compare them with other legal, technical and social approaches.
- Law as Code and Code as Law? The relations between technical, social, economical and legal forms of regulation
- Regulation of Information: The European approach
- Transparency, Privacy, and Data Protection: outdated concepts in an information society?
- Platforms and their control
- AI and their control
- Identity, Authenticity, and Security in a globalized network-environment
Recommended Reading: Lawrence Lessig, Code and other Laws of Cyberspace; additional texts and cases will be distributed throughout the course.
Requirements: Regular attendance and active participation in class discussions (40%) and an open-book essay exam (60%).