Entrance of the summer school campus
The Austrian Arbitration Academy Summer Program takes place in the frame of the univie: summer school. The summer School campus is located in the picturesque village of Strobl in the Salzkammergut region, one of Austria’s most attractive summer vacation areas.
The unique Strobl experience is enhanced by an extensive extracurricular program including sports courses (windsurfing), mountain hiking, and excursions.
Important Dates
Reception at the Opening Ceremony of the summer school
Important Dates
The Arbitration Academy Summer Program 2025 takes place from July 12 to July 26, 2025.
On Saturday, July 12, at 7:00 pm an orientation session given by the Program Coordinator will introduce the participants to the program and the campus. Students are advised to arrive before 6:00 pm that day.
On Sunday, July 13, at 10:30 am the official Opening Ceremony will take place on the campus in the Bürglsaal. Attendance of the Opening Ceremony is mandatory.
The first introductory session will take place at 2:00pm on the Sunday.
In the evening at 8:30 pm a welcome party will give students the opportunity to meet informally with faculty and staff.
On Friday, July 25, a written exam will take place. On the evening before the exam, a special Q&A session will help the participants to prepare for the exam.
In the evening a farewell meting for the AAA participants will be organized.
Saturday, July 26, is the day of departure. Students should make their travel arrangements accordingly.
I especially enjoyed the interactive discussions with classmates from a diverse range of countries, and have made many long-lasting friendships!”
Jocelyn Teo (Singapore)
Casual wear will suffice for most activities. Students are, however, requested to have suitable attire for formal occasions like the Opening Ceremony. Suits for men and coat and skirts or suits for women are highly recommended.
Please note that the temperatures can vary between 16 and over 30 degrees Celcius. (Please refer to the infomation listed unter climate for more detailed information.) Rain wear, warm clothes and sturdy shoes are strongly recommended, particularly for participation on hikes. (Students who do not bring hiking boots cannot participate in the mountain hikes.)