The 73rd session of the annual univie: summer school for International and European Studies took place from July 16 to August 13, 2022.
With a pause in 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic and an adapted program in 2021, the summer school was able to resume this year with in-person teaching hosting a total of 86 participants from 25 nations.
On Sunday, July 17, 2022, the program was officially opened by the director of the summer school, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Franz Stefan Meissel and with a keynote by State Secretary a. D. Ambassador Dr. Hans Winkler, former director of the Diplomatic Academy. Fittingly in reference to the war in Ukraine, his lecture "Europe in Turmoil" set a focus for the intellectual work ahead for our young scholars.
We were delighted to welcome a truly international group of participants coming from all over the world, a total of 25 nations were represented. Students traveled from Australia, Hong Kong, the USA, and Canada. Four students from the Ukraine took part, three from Kenya, and two from the Netherlands… as well as students from Turkey, Egypt, Algeria, Austria, Germany, France, Great Britain, Iran, Israel, New Zealand, Pakistan, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Spain, South Korea and the Czech Republic!
As in previous years, interdisciplinary evening seminars were held. This year some sessions included “Iconic Images as Master Signifiers of the (visual) Culture of a Country”, “Practical Aspects of different Civil Law and Common Law Traditions” hosted by guest Dana Al-Awami, and “Reshaping Globalization”.
Additionally, the Sommerdiskurs added more enriching lectures to the Summer School program. Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Bernhard Kittel’s keynote “Fractured Society? A Social Science Perspective” initiated three days of exchange during lectures and workshops among academics of various stages and fields of study.
We experienced beautiful summer days which complimented the rigorous courses with afternoons spent at the lake. In addition to leisure time students also took part in excursions to St. Wolfgang, Salzburg and Ebensee.
A cultural highlight was the chamber concert by members of the Vienna Philharmonic – held in the local church in Strobl.
The summer school was a whirlwind and before we knew it we were celebrating the completion of the final exams with a candlelight dinner and the midsummer night’s ball. Emotions were running high - after four intense weeks of work…and play, bonds were made.
And now we have a new group of alum who we hope will keep in touch and think fondly of their summer 2022.