The 14th annual summer discourse of the University of Vienna took place again in Strobl am Wolfgangsee. The guiding topic of Rebuilding Social Cohesion and Stability inspired the numerous interdisciplinary lectures and workshops with aims of collective reflection, positioning and discussion. The three-day event included business, legal and cultural leaders who contributed their experiences, expertise and visions for the future.
You are welcome to watch some of the lectures and discussions here:
Fractured Society? A Social Science Perspective - Bernhard Kittel (English)
EU and Social Cohesion - Bernhard Schima (English)
Pluralism and Social Cohesion? - Sylvia Kritzinger (English)
Principles for (Business) Ecosystem Leadership - Roland Deiser (English
Panel Discussion: Sustainable Leadership in a post growth world. How Corporates learn to think and act beyond profits and power - Helga Pattart-Drexler, Andreas Rotheneder, Roland Deiser, Moderation: Kristin Hanusch-Linser (Deutsch)
Fake News, Digitalization and the Foes of Liberal Democracy - Nikolaus Forgó (English)
KHM Art Talk: Turnier des Lebens: Künstlerische Freiheit und soziale Realitäten "Kampf zwischen Fasching und Fasten" von Pieter Bruegel d. Ä., 1559 - Daniel Uchtmann (Deutsch)