The Sommerhochschule is offering a full-scholarship to support Ukrainian students.
Our aims of increasing EU understanding are heightened during these challenging times of war. We believe the Sommerhochschule’s setting of intercultural and social exchange will encourage a climate of mutal respect and tolerance, enabling valuable discourse.
Join us in Strobl at the univie: summer school for International and European studies
2022 course offerings: Courses (
Application requirements: Application (
The deadline for this scholarship opportunity is May 31, 2022
Do you know a candidate who might be interested in our summer program?
Please spread the word!
If you would like to make a contribution to the scholarship fund we kindly ask you to make your donation to the following account:
"reason for transfer" or "reason for payment": DONATION TO SOMMERHOCHSCHUE (900285) FOR UKRAINE SCHOLARSHIP
University of Vienna (Sommerhochschule 900285)
Raiffeisenlandesbank NÖ-Wien
KtoNr.: 00000 675 447
BLZ: 32000
IBAN: AT08 3200 0000 0067 5447
1020 Wien, Friedrich-W.-Raiffeisen-Platz 1
(For Austrians: Die Universität Wien gilt als spendenbegünstigte Einrichtung im Sinne des § 4a EStG)